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14 Thoughts to “Mexico Cools; Feet Of Snow Hit Northern Arizona; B.C. Burial; March Snowstorms Sweep China; + Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass Breaks Records”
Why are we not seeing reports of phenomenal snowfall (mass). Because I doesn’t chime with the EU global warming/climate change guff constantly pumped out!
I agree with both of you. When you see an accumulation line at its peak and going almost straight up a person should say “Wow, what is going on?” Kenneth, I am not even sure if that would get the attention of some of these people.
Propaganda says “it’s cold because it’s warm” hehehe and at the same time they’re changing trees by concrete…
EU is the greatest example of incoherence,…
– Don’t use plastic because they need it to put thousands of kilometres of pipes for the internet fiber.
– Don’t waste water because they need it for the AI (100 words=1 littre of water)
– Don’t use diesel because is need it to generators that charge batteries for EV.
…. And so on…
Venus is going between us and the Sun, Mercury going between Mars and the Sun. Mercury goes by us in two weeks on the New Moon. All the planets on the same side of the Sun except Pluto. This increases the potential for solar activity because of the electrical connections of the mag fields, the Electroverse. You can see where the planets are on SimSolar for free.
The Snow Depth map on shows where the snow is and depth.
Almost all the snow is where nobody lives so it is not an issue. Run the two week forecast out and it shows it’s not going to be an issue. Then it’s Spring so no more big snow issues to worry about anywhere. Take total number of humans and count how many are in snow areas to get a percentage which is very very small. Nobody even want to hear about snow except snow skiers which are a fringe element.,2025032500,49.929,15.669,4,i:pressure,m:eZVaf7V
Warmer oceans emit more water vapor and rain/snow.
Water vapor stabilizes the Earth’s temperature.
More water vapor lowers daytime temperatures and raises nighttime temperatures.
Less water vapor raises daytime temperatures and lowers nighttime temperatures.
More water vapor creates a greener Earth.
Less water vapor creates a drier, more desert-like landscape.
Center of mass the worst place to be just put a bullseye on BF MO. The Yin bin.
Heatwave this week should wake up the tick and chiggers ,,,yayyy. Big lightning storm forecast there this week from heat rising up the Mississippi River off the warmer than ave GOM,,,yayyy. Bomb cyclone forecast mid US from the heatwave,,,weeeee. Tornados too, it’s a party.
They taught us about volcanos making it snow when I was in college right before Mt St Helens erupted 44 years ago. I got to ski the big snows after Pinatubo in ’91 there was waist deep snow. One week it snowed 27 feet at Stevens Pass,
The NH is loaded with volcanic plume you can see the SO2 on Windy. We had volcanic ash here with the snow last month, every snowflake starts with a particle. Record snow in Cali two years ago this week was from volcanos from solar flares from Mercury in retrograde.
Six feet of new snow forecast next two weeks on the mountains behind my house .,68.367,-148.447,3,i:pressure,47.695,-123.485,11,i:pressure,m:eYHacJl
Why are we not seeing reports of phenomenal snowfall (mass). Because I doesn’t chime with the EU global warming/climate change guff constantly pumped out!
Good! Mexico needs to get down to 56 below and total snowmass needs to reach 50,000 gigatons above average!
Yaaa. 100F two days ago. Forecast for Friday 106F, ave is 79F. Last year was 91F.
Warmer than ave everyday this month except yesterday by a tad.
S Texas has the same forecast and that heatwave goes up to Hudson Bay this week. 80F forecast MO and TN.78F in KY and NC.,2025031421,36.678,-90.496,5,i:pressure,m:epwadqW
I agree with both of you. When you see an accumulation line at its peak and going almost straight up a person should say “Wow, what is going on?” Kenneth, I am not even sure if that would get the attention of some of these people.
Propaganda says “it’s cold because it’s warm” hehehe and at the same time they’re changing trees by concrete…
EU is the greatest example of incoherence,…
– Don’t use plastic because they need it to put thousands of kilometres of pipes for the internet fiber.
– Don’t waste water because they need it for the AI (100 words=1 littre of water)
– Don’t use diesel because is need it to generators that charge batteries for EV.
…. And so on…
Electrons above alert level Monday morning. Solar wind speed 750 kilometers per second last night. Another minor solar wind storm forecast starting in two days.
Electrons are still at alert level Tuesday AM now showing up on the yearly chart: from a coronal hole not a solar flare. Solar wind.
The Sun’s N polarity is coming around the corner on the Sun again, we’ll be between the two polarities.
Venus is going between us and the Sun, Mercury going between Mars and the Sun. Mercury goes by us in two weeks on the New Moon. All the planets on the same side of the Sun except Pluto. This increases the potential for solar activity because of the electrical connections of the mag fields, the Electroverse. You can see where the planets are on SimSolar for free.
The Snow Depth map on shows where the snow is and depth.
Almost all the snow is where nobody lives so it is not an issue. Run the two week forecast out and it shows it’s not going to be an issue. Then it’s Spring so no more big snow issues to worry about anywhere. Take total number of humans and count how many are in snow areas to get a percentage which is very very small. Nobody even want to hear about snow except snow skiers which are a fringe element.,2025032500,49.929,15.669,4,i:pressure,m:eZVaf7V
Warmer oceans emit more water vapor and rain/snow.
Water vapor stabilizes the Earth’s temperature.
More water vapor lowers daytime temperatures and raises nighttime temperatures.
Less water vapor raises daytime temperatures and lowers nighttime temperatures.
More water vapor creates a greener Earth.
Less water vapor creates a drier, more desert-like landscape.
Center of mass the worst place to be just put a bullseye on BF MO. The Yin bin.
Heatwave this week should wake up the tick and chiggers ,,,yayyy. Big lightning storm forecast there this week from heat rising up the Mississippi River off the warmer than ave GOM,,,yayyy. Bomb cyclone forecast mid US from the heatwave,,,weeeee. Tornados too, it’s a party.
All these above average snow mass years is just what we’d expect in a gradually cooling world.
And on the other side, Antarctica has been gradually cooling for decades.
Seems like a trend, doesn’t it…
They taught us about volcanos making it snow when I was in college right before Mt St Helens erupted 44 years ago. I got to ski the big snows after Pinatubo in ’91 there was waist deep snow. One week it snowed 27 feet at Stevens Pass,
The NH is loaded with volcanic plume you can see the SO2 on Windy. We had volcanic ash here with the snow last month, every snowflake starts with a particle. Record snow in Cali two years ago this week was from volcanos from solar flares from Mercury in retrograde.
Six feet of new snow forecast next two weeks on the mountains behind my house .,68.367,-148.447,3,i:pressure,47.695,-123.485,11,i:pressure,m:eYHacJl
They call Stevens Pass — Snow Country. It’s on the S side of Glacier Peak volcano so the wind from the Pacific O gets funneled up the river and over Stevens Pass the low point. A cornice forms at the top of that ridge on the top pic as the West wind goes up and over dropping the snow. I started skiing there 55 years ago on wood skis, pre metal.
I believe it is the Milankovitch cycles that cause the poles to get colder and the equator to get warmer.